What is it?
The City of Maple Grove Parks department is working with Three Rivers Park District to plant trees along the I-94 just south of the Elm Creek entrance into Rice Lake. This project will both improve aesethics as well as create a noise buffer from the highway traffic. Trees will be planted in a 700' swath from the existing forested area to the NNW.
Who is paying for this project?
The project is being funded by the two organizations who are working on it; the City of Maple Grove and Three Rivers Park District. Human labor is being provided by both organizations as well as volunteers from the community.
What is being planted?
Over 700 trees and shrubs (see plant list below for varieties) will be planted in this area. Some will be saplings no bigger than a finger, others will be up to 3/4" caliper.
Will there be volunteer help to do the planting?
Yes, various organizations and individuals will be donating their time and effort to help get the trees planted. Among one of those organizations is the Rice Lake Area Association, which will be assisting with the mulching of the plants.
When will this project begin?
The project is scheduled to start in mid-May 2006.
What can you do to help?
Please contact the City of Maple Grove Parks Department for more details and/or to assist in the project.