2003 Rice Lake update

Question posed to Steve McComas from Blue Water Science (consultant to City of Maple Grove lakes) August 6th

Did the 2002-2003 drawdown have a positive effect on Rice Lake for the 2003 recreational season?


Yes, I think the drawdown had a substantial impact on controlling curlyleaf pondweed and Eurasian watermilfoil. However, we are not out of the woods yet. I suspect that next year there will be more native plant growth arising, but I would be surprised if it is a real nuisance.

In the past, some of the excessive native plant growth has followed a winterkill, which is typical. Without any substantial recent winterkills, I would not expect elodea, a problem native plant after a winterkill, to be a problem in the near future.

Last time the drawdown gave good curlyleaf control for 3 summers. We'll see how long it lasts this time.